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The StarProof Bridge is a utility that enabled IBM Word Proof to work with WordStar documents.


Statpro is a comprehensive statistics system for Apple II, and later IBM PC, computers. It is written using the UCSD P-System.


StatWorks, from Cricket Software, is a very powerful statistics software package for the Macintosh designed for a wide variety of applications. It enables all who work with numbers to do statistical computations without spending hours learning "high level" languages or going through several stages to compile analysis.


StretchCalc is a software package from MultiSoft that enhances the functionality of VisiCalc. It adds integrated graphing, sorting, column rearranging, and key macros.


SubLogic Jet is a flight simulator that provides a simulation of both the F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-18 Hornet jet fighters. The Jet includes a free flight mode for practicing aerobatics and precision maneuvering, and two different game modes to test your skills. It is similar to SubLogic/Microsoft Flight Simulator.


Success With Math was a popular series of educational programs designed to drill and practice math problems. There were versions for the Apple II, C64, and Atari.


SunOS was a UNIX based OS derived from BSD. Initially released in 1982, it was the standard OS on Sun Machines at that time. Platforms supported by this OS were the Motorola 68000, the Sun 386i, and the SPARC. SunOS machines are still actually in use today powering dams and bread factories.


SuperCalc was a spreadsheet application published by Sorcim in 1980, and originally bundled (along with WordStar) as part of the CP/M software package included with the Osborne 1 portable computer. It quickly became the de facto standard spreadsheet for CP/M and was ported to MS-DOS in 1982. It competed against spreadsheets such as VisiCalc, Multiplan. and Lotus 1-2-3.


Borland SuperKey is a combination resident macro program and file encryption tool. It can record and play back keystrokes in most DOS application, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks. It also includes a file encryption tool that lets you password protect sensitive files. It was marketed alongside Borland Sidekick.


Micropro SuperSort is a generalized and flexible sort and merge utility designed to operate at high speed on huge volumes of text-file based data. It can also be used for manipulating individual data files, doing things like reorganizing fields or changing field lengths.


The Swift & Easy Spread sheet is a very low end, very low cost spreadsheet targeted at budget conscious users. It features ease of use, general purpose functions, split screen, automatic calculations, and programmable macros. It was written by David Middleton of Metamorphosis developments LTD and published by COSMI/Celery Software


Switcher is an add on utility program written by Andy Hertzfield and released by Apple that adds the ability to load multiple programs and quickly switch between them - something that MacOS lacked at this point.


SY-TOS is a powerful backup program for DOS, and other operating systems. It was commonly customized for and bundled with OEM backup hardware. SY-TOS Plus was the first retail standalone version.


SynFile, from Synaps Software, is a database program for the Atari 400/800 computer.


In 1984 Apple Computer unveiled their Macintosh. It included a new user interface that revolutionized the way people though about computer interaction. Originally referred to as simply "Macintosh System", the underlying OS was a single-tasking disk system for the Motorola 68K CPU. Significant changes were made in MacOS 7.x. | 1.x-6.x | 7.x | 8.x | 9.x | MacOS X | All |


T/Maker, first released in 1980 for 8-bit CP/M, was one of the first "integrated" software programs. It brings together File Management, Word Processing, Spell Checking, Spreadsheet, Database Management, List Processing, Data Transfer, Graphics (Bar Charts), and Programming. These components can work together, for example a document can contain functional spreadsheet fields.


This is a "pre-installation" disk distributed by Tandy that you run to add Tandy 2000 support to Microsoft Windows 1.x.


Deskmate is a GUI shell, program environment, and organizational application suite bundled by Tandy with their computers. The first two fully graphical versions were renamed "Personal Deskmate" I and II. Earlier versions were text based.


Telpac is a rudimentary telecommunications terminal emulation program intended for use with U.S. Robotics modems. It appears to be designed for compatibility with both IBM PC and Zenith Z-100 systems.


The Telxon TPRO Program Generator is a software package which allows you to use your IBM (or compatible) personal computer to quickly generate custom-designed data entry programs and load those programs into your Telxon PTC mobile data collection device.


Textra, from the University of Michigan based Ann Arbor Software, was a small and fast word processor highly optimized for speed and rapid data entry. First released in 1982 Textra, like many other early PC word processors, was born out of the lack of a decent IBM PC editor/word processor. Textra featured a full set of text manipulation commands, common text formatting abilities, and full screen editing. It was specifically designed for the IBM PC, giving it faster load and save times and the most responsive user interface possible. It was priced much lower than most other text editors or word processors.


The Benchmark was an early, and somewhat short lived, word processor. This version is for the NEC APC running CP/M-86.


The Print Shop is a home oriented publisher capable of creating calendars, banners, greeting cards and other printable goods. It started off on the Apple II and Commodore 64 where it became popular for its simplicity and ease of use. From day one, it featured interactive editing, on-screen artwork/layout selection, print previewing, and a library of customizable clipart.


As the name suggests, the Print Shop Companion is a companion product to The Print Shop. It contains extra miscellaneous functionality such as graphics editors and envelope printing.


"The Twin", from Mosaic Software, is a spreadsheet that touts compatibility and visual similarity with Lotus 1-2-3. better graphics, a much lower price, and was not copy protected. It was a little slower than Lotus 1-2-3, but this was less of an issue for budget users. The Twin, along with Paperback VP-Planner and Borland Quattro Pro were the subject of a lawsuit claiming that duplicating the "look and feel" violated Lotus's copyrights.