Turbo Power Turbo Professional DOS

Turbo Professional is a library of utilities, source, and documentation for turbo Pascal programmers. Includes TSR management, BCD arithmetic, windowing, menuing, EMS and XMS access routines, large arrays, macros, runtime error recovery.

Turbo Prolog DOS

Borland Turbo Prolog is an implementation of the Prolog language, a "natural" language used for "Artificial Intelligence" software development. Turbo Prolog is a Borland licensed version of PDC Prolog. It competed against Arity Prolog. Borland also produced a companion Turbo Pascal Toolbox product.

Turbo Prolog Toolbox DOS

The Turbo Prolog Toolbox is a set of tools and samples that you can use to help you build production application with Borland Turbo Prolog.

ViaGrafix - Programming in Visual Cpp Windows

ViaGrafix Programming in Visual C++ is a multimedia CD-ROM tutorial teaching how to use Microsoft Visual C++.

VisPro/C++ OS2

VisPro/C++, from HockWare is a IDE and rapid application development tool for OS/2. Supports several of the more popular C++ compilers including VisualAge and MetaWare.

Visual C++ Windows

Visual C++ is a greatly enhanced and re-branded version of Microsoft C/C++. The Visual C++ line is primarily aimed at Windows development on 386 CPUs. 5.0 and later were bundled as a part of Microsoft Visual Studio.

Visual Cafe for Java Windows

Visual Cafe for Java Professional Development Edition is designed to maximize the productivity and performance of Java development. There were versions for both Windows and Macintosh.

Visual J++ Windows

Visual J++ was Microsoft's proprietary dialect of the Java programming language which ran on Windows under Microsoft's Java virtual machine. It was part of the Microsoft Visual Studio product lineup. It included an Integrated Development Environment and many language extensions, such as the ability to make efficient use of the Win32 APIs. The primary advantage of J++ and Java was the ability to run on a byte-code virtual machine (pioneered by languages like the UCSD P-System ) at a time when Intel was threatening to cut off x86 compatibility in favor of 64-bit instruction sets.

Vitamin C DOS

Vitamin C, from Creative Programming Consultants, Inc., is a graphics and windowing library for DOS and DOS based C compilers.

Watcom C/C++ DOS Windows OS2

The Watcom C/C++ is a powerful compiler for DOS, Windows, and OS/2. Its key selling point was superior cross platform support. It supported DOS, extended DOS 32-bit, Win16, Win32, and OS/2. Notably, it was used to produce the video game DOOM as a 32-bit DOS extended program.

Watcom Fortran Windows

Watcom Fortran is a powerful Fortran compiler for Windows that includes an integrated development environment, debugger, and profiler.

Watcom Pascal DOS

Watcom Pascal is a Pascal interpreter produced by Watcom. The original Watcom Pascal products were called the Waterloo Pascal compiler and the Waterloo microPascal interpreter. For a time, it competed with Borland Turbo Pascal.

WebObjects Enterprise Objects Other

WebObjects is an Objective-C web application server from Apple, and a server-based web application framework. It features object-orientation, database connectivity, and prototyping tools.

Windows SDK & DDK DOS Windows

The Microsoft Windows Software Development Kits (SDK) provide sample program code, extra libraries, and documentation to aid application developers producing Windows applications. Microsoft Windows Driver Development Kits are similar sets of samples and libraries but specific to device driver development, and much more in-depth.

Wise InstallMaster Windows

Wise InstallMaster is a tool for creating Windows setup programs.

WordTech dBIII Compiler DOS

The WordTech dBIII Compiler, later renamed to "Quicksilver", is a dBase III Plus application compiler that produces high-speed ready to run standalone executables. It boasts assembler level speeds often faster than competing compilers. Plus clone. Both of these add a number of features such as Windowing, user defined functions, EMS memory support, graphing, and networking capability.

Xenix Software Development System Unix

The Xenix Development System is a set of compiler and code tools for the Xenix operating system.

ZBasic DOS

ZBasic, from Zedcor, Inc., is a cross platform Basic compiler. Versions exist for MS-DOS, Apple II, Macintosh, CP/M and TRS-80.

Zenith MS-DOS Programmer's Utility Pack DOS

The Zenith Programmer's Utility Pack for MS-DOS contains source code and compiler utilities needed for building an MS-DOS BIOS (IO.SYS file) for use with the Zenith Z-100 (not IBM hardware compatible), the Zenith Z-100 PC (IBM hardware compatible), and the Zenith Z-100 PC running in Z-100 compatibility mode.

Zortech C++ DOS

The Zortech C++ Compiler was a high performance compiler for MS-DOS, OS/2, and Windows that implemented the AT&T C++ 2.0 specifications. It competed strongly against Microsoft C and Watcom C. It later became the Symantec C++ compiler. It was also the first commercial compiler that natively supported Microsoft Windows.