Microsoft's Business Basic Compiler is a special BASIC variant that is designed to create high performance compiled code, with a focus on numeric floating-point accuracy and additional database-like features.
This is the original standalone Microsoft C/C++ compiler for DOS and Windows - Later versions were rebranded and renumbered as Microsoft Visual C++ and were bundled with Visual Studio or the SDKs.
Cobol is a high level language designed for use in business that uses English-like commands. Microsoft got its early start by producing language products such as this one. Their other early language products included Microsoft Fortran, Microsoft Pascal, Microsoft Basic, and Macro Assembler. This product was also licensed to IBM as IBM Cobol Compiler.
Microsoft Commerce Server is a server tool for quickly building and managing scalable e-commerce solutions. With this tool you can created a highly customized business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce web site.
Microsoft Delta was a short-lived source code version control system developed internally at Microsoft. It was notable for its ability to handle very large projects, but featured a very poor user interface. It was replaced by Microsoft SourceSafe.
Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer 1.0 is an add on for Microsoft Mail that enables creation and routing of custom electronic forms using Microsoft Visual Basic.
This is Microsoft's implementation of the FORTRAN scientific-oriented high level programming language. It was one of their early core languages developed for the 8-bit computers and later brought to the 8086 and IBM PC. For the IBM OEM version, see the IBM Fortran Compiler. In 1993 Microsoft rebranded the product as Microsoft Fortran Powerstation. (Note: -80 refers to the 8080/Z80 platform, not the language specification version)
Microsoft Game Shop is a development tool for creating games in QuickBASIC. Microsoft Game Shop includes a full-featured version of Microsoft's QuickBASIC 4.5 interpreter plus six classic computer games, including a version of Tetris that you can both play and modify using QuickBASIC.
Microsoft LISP, originally developed by Soft Warehouse, of Honolulu,is a high-speed LISP interpreter sold alongside Microsoft’s other language products. LISP is a programming language based around symbolic expressions. It was used to develop expert systems and "artificial intelligence" systems. Microsoft LISP features a large number of native functions and includes a debugger.
The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) is an x86 assembler that uses the Intel syntax for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. For a time, it competed with Borland Turbo Assembler. IBM re-branded early versions under the name IBM Macro Assembler. Later versions were bundled with Microsoft Visual Studio.
This is a set of floppy disk that accompanies the Microsoft Mouse Programmers Reference. They contain sample code and libraries that programmers can use in their applications. Sample programs demonstrate mouse programming in interpreted Basic, QuickBasic, C and QuickC, Macro Assembler, FORTRAN, and Pascal.
The Microsoft MS-DOS OEM Adaption Kit is a set of source code and binary object files used by OEMs to add custom hardware support. Such hardware support could range from simple hardware add-ons to completely non IBM-PC hardware compatible x86 machines. By the time of MS-DOS 3.3, the market had mostly settled on generic IBM PC hardware clones that would run "vanilla" MS-DOS distributions. MS-DOS 3.2 was the first DOS version to have a true retail "vanilla" release.
The Microsoft OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit 1.0 contains advanced OS/2 1.0 API sample code and documentation for use in conjunction with Microsoft's high-level programming products, sold separately. Software Development Kit, which bundled programming language support and pre-release components.
The Microsoft OS/2 SDK includes pre-release builds of OS/2, beta development tools, sample code, and loads of documentation. These were released prior to the OS/2 1.0 and 1.1 releases. Microsoft charged $3,000 in 1987 for the SDK. It was criticized as overpriced, buggy, and slow.
The Microsoft Pascal Compiler is Microsoft's implementation of the ISO Pascal language for DOS, Xenix, and OS/2. It was among Microsoft's early language products provided for DOS. It was superseded by Microsoft QuickPascal. The Microsoft Pascal Compiler was licensed to IBM, who sold it as the IBM Pascal Compiler.
Programmer's Library is a comprehensive collection of the most useful reference information available for programmers in MS-DOS and OS/2 environments. With Programmer's Library you can instantly get authoritative information about programming from books, manuals, and sample code in the following categories: Microsoft OS/2 References, Microsoft Windows References, MS-DOS References, Microsoft Network References, Microsoft Systems Journal, Hardware References, Microsoft C Language References, Microsoft Macro Assembler References, Microsoft BASIC Language References, Microsoft Pascal Language References, Microsoft FORTRAN Language References valuable programs, data, and sample code files 1991 for DOS](/product/bookshelf/91).
Microsoft Source Profiler is an application speed analysis tool for use with Microsoft language products. Version 1.x supports both DOS and OS/2.
A database server from Microsoft. It was originally based on Sybase SQL Server, and the first versions were for OS/2. It was available as a standalone product and also as a part of Microsoft BackOffice Server.
Microsoft Test is a development tool that automates application regression testing. With it you write scripts that simulate user typing and clicking, and validate the resulting output.
First released in 1991, Microsoft Visual Basic was a programming environment where one could build an application by visually creating the user interface first, and then adding code. In contrast, even the smallest Visual Basic basic programs could take reams of program code to write in C or C++. Visual Basic was extremely popular for business application programming. The language itself was an interpreted BASIC dialect, however speed was maintained through the use of reusable compiled libraries (DLLs and VBX controls). These however, limited application development to Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is a simplistic version control system used for storing program code and keeping track of revision. It integrates with a number of Microsoft Products.
Visual Studio is an IDE (integrated development environment) for Microsoft Windows that allows developers to develop a variety of applications. It is a bundle of seperate programming products, including Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft J++, Microsoft Visual Basic, and Foxpro
Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit it a set of development tools to enable Windows CE development in Visual Basic, Visual C++ and other languages.
The Microsoft Windows 2000 Customer Support Diagnostics package consists of important tools and data for diagnosing in-depth Windows 2000 system problems. debugger software, and related debugging tools. This CD was shipped with server versions of Windows 2000.
WinPad is a Personal Information Manager designed for part of a "non-dos" x86 based PDA operating system with a Win API set. The WinPad project was later abandoned in favor of the 32-bit Windows CE.