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This is a rudimentary text editor sold by IBM for the IBM PC. It runs with only 64K of RAM and a single sided floppy drive under PC-DOS 1.x. This later evolved in to the IBM "E" Editor.


IBM Diskette Librarian is a small database that keeps track of your files across multiple floppy disks.


This is the driver software used to configure and access a Davong internal hard disk controller for the IBM PC. This controller was significant as being one of the few hard disk systems accessible under DOS 1.x. system instead partitions the disk in to several smaller drives.


IBM Time Manager is a rudimentary scheduling application for the IBM PC. It lets you keep a calendar for an entire year, schedule items, make notes, set priority, and produce certain kinds of totals.


These are drivers and sample programs for use with the FTG Data Systems FT-156 light pen. This is a light pen that attaches directly to an IBM Color Graphics Adapter card.


Fast Graphs is a graphing/charting program that supports CGA graphics. It runs on an IBM PC or compatibles running DOS 1.1x or DOS 2.x.


VisiTrend/VisiPlot is a no-nonsense data analysis and graphing tool targeted at business users who wished to perform analysis on large spreadsheets. It is part of the Visi Series of applications from VisiCorp, that also included VisiWord, VisiCalc, VisiFile, VisiSpell, VisiSchedule and VisiTutor. There was also a version for the Apple II.


IBM Word Proof is a stand-alone spell checker for the IBM PC with a list of over 125,000 standard English words. It can also find synonyms and anagrams, and features a built-in full screen editor. You may add your own specialized words to its list.


DR Draw is a shape-based drawing program that uses Digital Research's GSX graphics library, making it portable across CP/M and DOS architectures with different video systems.


First released in 1983 by IMSI (International Microcomputer Software, Inc), 4 Point Graphics was one of the earliest drawing and animation programs for the IBM PC. It competed against a drawing program called PC Crayon.


BPS Graphics, from Business & Professional Software, Inc, is an early command-line based graphing program. It can import data from a number of sources and supports a large number of printers and plotters for presentation quality graphs. cross-platform. This version is for IBM PC and XT. Graph](/product/dr-graph), Gem Graph, PFS Graph, and Chart Master.


Type Faces is a program that can print word processing documents using a number of fancy fonts. The fonts are rendered graphically so you are not dependent on the fonts included with your printer. At the smaller sizes, the fonts are letter quality. Type Faces supports formatting codes that you can insert in to your documents, such as right justify, centering, and underline.


StarBurst is an office workflow process automation tool that integrates with other MicroPro products. StarBurst features a programming language and screen builder that can collect data from users, manipulate files, and control MicroPro programs such as WordStar.


Memory Shift is a very early task switching program for DOS. It operates by "partitioning" the computer's memory and loading different applications in to each partition. It can then switch between each application and share data between applications.


The IBM EZ-VU Editor 1.0 is an editor specifically designed for writing code for the IBM EZ-VU system. It appears to support some code formatting and highlighting features.


IBM Fixed Disk Organizer is a simple menu program for DOS. It was marketed by IBM for use on their IBM XT. Using this shell, you will no longer have to repeatedly muddle through DOS commands to get to your commonly accessed applications. You can customize your menu items, and organize them in customizable categories. It also lets you set a password for menu items, and you may customize the screen colors. While there were many, many better menuing programs produced for DOS, Fixed Disk Organizer was a standard IBM offering.


IBM Graphing Assistant is a tool for creating graphs and charts using an IBM PC. Graphing Assistant is an IBM rebranded OEM version of PFS:Graph


The IBM Professional Debug Facility is a terminate-and-stay-resident debugging tool. You can use it with programs that can not be debugged with DOS DEBUG. It avoids DOS I/O calls to prevent conflicts with the running program.


CorrectStar, from MicroPro International, is an add-on spell checker for WordStar 3.3. It was sold both bundled with WordStar and separately. Later versions of WordStar integrated the spell checker.


Microsoft Spell is a spell checking application intended for use with Microsoft Word 1.x for DOS. You can also use it as a standalone program. Microsoft Spell 1.0 was available for purchase by itself, but later versions were bundled with Microsoft Word for DOS.


PFS:Graph, from Software Publishing Corporation, is an easy to use graphing application for early IBM PC compatibles, Apple IIs, Apple IIIs, and Macintosh. Later it evolved in to PFS:First Graphics, and IBM rebranded a version as IBM Graphing Assistant.


V-Print, from CompuView, is a printing product designed to accompany VEDIT.


DR Graph is a business graphics creation program. It can create line, bar, pie, and scatter graphs and print them on a graphics printer. DR Graph is implemented using Digital Research's GSX graphics library, and can run on many different platforms.


IBM Script/PC is a document formatter utility. It is similar to the mainframe DCF tool for IBM TSO or VM 370 that uses the Script/VS language. Unlike integrated word processors, one creates their document in a separate text editor and manually adds markup commands (called GML or Generalized Markup Language tags). This utility then interprets those commands to produce a formatted document regardless of the printer used. formatters already on the market such as WORDIX+INDIX, ReadiWriter, and MicroScript. for use with IBM Professional Editor, and can work with existing mainframe Script/VS documents.


Visual Communications Network's ExecuVision was the first business presentation package for the IBM PC. It was targeted at business professionals, and was advertised as a complete graphics art department on a computer. It was also notable for it's clip art collection, which was also a first. Wanted: VCN ExecuVision Graphics Library 3: Industry and Business