Windows NT 3.x 3.1

Windows NT 3.1 was the first of the Windows NT series. Sporting the same face as its consumer counterpart Windows 3.1, it was completely different under the hood. A true 32-bit native operating system, Windows NT descended from the work Microsoft did while collaborating with IBM on OS/2 after the great split, and bringing in former DEC employees like Dave Cutler, bringing a VMS influence into the system. It was followed up by Windows NT 4.0.

Other Windows Versions:
| 1.0 | 2.x | 3.x | NT 3.x | 95 | NT 4.0 | 98 | 2000 | ME | All |


Release notes

Supports IA-32, Alpha, and MIPS.

Note: Due to the pre-release executable formats, some virus scanners may incorrectly flag files in these pre-releases. Please report false positives to your virus scanner vendor.

Build 3.10.511.1 is the initial release, released 7/27/1993. Build 3.10.528.1 is a second release, dated 9/11/1993, that includes Alpha binaries. Later services packs keep the 3.10.528.1 version number.

More details about the releases can be found here:

Note that the Windows NT 3.1 SDKs also included copies of NT 3.1:

Product type
Release date
Sun Jul 25 1993
End of life date
Fri Dec 29 2000
Minimum CPU
Minimum RAM
Minimum free disk space
User interface
Download count
318 (93 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.5098.1) (3.5-1.44mb) 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.5098.1) English 31.14MB 8
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.5098.1) (ISO) 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.5098.1) English 52.49MB 10
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.511.1) (ISO) 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.511.1) English 65.58MB 3
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server Concepts and Planning Video (1993) 3.1 Advanced Server (3.10.511.1) English 717.24MB 2
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) (3.5) 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) English 25.09MB 27
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) (ISO) 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) English 50.91MB 34
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) [Danish] 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) Danish 51.42MB 0
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) [Dutch] 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) Dutch 50.51MB 0
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) [Finnish] 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) Finnish 53.4MB 0
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) [German] 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) German 53.93MB 6
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) [Norwegian] 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) Norwegian 50.73MB 0
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) [Portuguese] 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) Portuguese 82.53MB 0
Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) [Spanish] (3.5-1.44mb) 3.1 Workstation (3.10.511.1) Spanish 25.63MB 3


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