MS-DOS 3.10

Originally 86-DOS, written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products, DOS was a rough clone of CP/M for 8086 based hardware. Microsoft purchased it and licensed it to IBM for use with Microsoft's IBM PC language products. In 1982, Microsoft began licensing DOS to other OEMs that ported it to their custom x86 hardware and IBM PC clones.

For IBM-specific releases, please see the IBM PC-DOS product page.

Release notes

DOS 3.10 adds support for networking, used by IBM PC Net and Microsoft Networking products.

Note: Zenith "Z-100" is a non IBM PC compatible, while "Z-100 PC" is a completely different PC compatible machine.

Product type
Release date
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
1052 (23 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [ATT OEM r1.01] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [AT&T OEM r1.01] English 2.32MB 2
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [BIOS 5.40] [Seimens PC-D] (5.25-DSQD) 3.10 [Seimens PC-D BIOS 5.40] English 329.57KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Compaq OEM Rev C] (03-27-1986) (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Compaq OEM Rev C] English 645.26KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Compaq OEM] (09-30-1985) (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Compaq OEM] (09-30-1985) English 237.61KB 4
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Compaq OEM] (10-31-1986) (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Compaq OEM] English 466.52KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Epson OEM] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Epson OEM] English 259.24KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Franklin OEM] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Franklin OEM] English 4.81MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [HP OEM] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [HP OEM] English 207.53KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Leading Edge Model D OEM] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Leading Edge Model D OEM] English 459.58KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Olivetti OEM] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Olivetti OEM] English 190.52KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Phillips YES] (3.5-720K) 3.10 [Phillips YES] English 2.51MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Seattle DOS] [Falcon Technology] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Seattle DOS] [Falcon Technology] English 117.68KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Toshiba J-3100] [Japanese] (3.5-720k) 3.10 [Toshiba J-3100] Japanese 605.22KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Wyse OEM] Manual (1985) 3.10 (Wyse OEM) English 64.47MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Wyse PC286 OEM r1.05] (5.25-360k) 3.10 [Wyse PC286 OEM r1.05] English 3.34MB 2
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Zenith Z-100 PC OEM] (5.25-320k) 3.10 [Zenith Z-100 PC OEM] English 265.4KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 [Zenith Z-100] (5.25-360k) (Incomplete) 3.10 [Zenith Z-100] English 111KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 and Windows 1.01 [VAXMate r1.0 Standalone] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.10 Win1.01[VAXMate r1.0 Standalone] English 2.65MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 and Windows 1.03 [VAXMate r1.1 Network] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.10 Win1.03 [VAXMate r1.1 Network] English 3.8MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10b [DEC Rainbow] (5.25-SSQD 400k) 3.10b [DEC Rainbow] English 172.49KB 0


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