DR DOS 3.x

DR DOS is an MS-DOS compatible operating system from Digital Research that evolved from their earlier CP/M-86 based products Concurrent DOS and DOS Plus.

Release notes

DR DOS was initially introduced as an OEM-only product designed to address shortcomings of MS-DOS. Although it was based on Concurrent DOS 6.0, all multi-user and multitasking ability was stripped out.

The first DR DOS release was numbered "3.31" to show it was on par with the latest shipping MS-DOS, Compaq DOS 3.31. DR DOS also included large partition (larger than 32MB) support.

DR DOS offered some extended command line tools with command line help, verbose error messages, sophisticated command line history and editing as well as support for file and directory passwords built right into the kernel. It was also cheaper to license than MS-DOS.

Wanted: Complete OEM releases of DR DOS 3.31, DR DOS 3.32, DR DOS 3.33, DR-DOS 3.34, DR-DOS 3.35.

Product type
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
35 (2 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Digital Research DR DOS 3.40 (5.25) 3.40 English 205.34KB 0
Digital Research DR DOS 3.41 (5.25) 3.41 English 226.15KB 1
Digital Research DR DOS 3.41 (Acorn OEM) (1989) (3.5-720k) 3.41 (Acorn OEM) English 1.15MB 1


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