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AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is a Unix port originally developed by IBM and released in 1986 for the IBM RT 6150, a RISC based desktop workstation. It was later ported to the RS/6000, POWER, and PowerPC platforms as well as IBM System i, System/370 mainframes, and the PS/2 personal computers, and the Apple Network Server.


DisplayWrite is a word processor that is based on the IBM Displaywriter dedicated word processing system. It directly competed with software ports of dedicated word processors such as the Wang Word Processing System (or its clone MultiMate ), Lanier Word Processing Software, Xerox, DEC, or similar.


Easy Writer was one of the first word processors for the IBM PC. It was originally written by John Draper AKA "Captain Crunch", with the PC version published by IBM. EasyWriter 1.x was written in the FORTH programming language and, as the story goes, it was ported to the IBM PC in a matter of days. There was also an Apple II version.


Exploring the IBM PC Network is an animated guide that demonstrates the general use of IBM's PC Network software.


Exploring The IBM Personal Computer is a tutorial program included with IBM Personal Computers designed to help new users learn how to use their computer. There were different versions for the IBM PC, PCjr, XT and AT computers.


FileCommand is an alternate DOS shell from IBM. The user interface is based on the IBM 3081/3084 mainframe VM/CMS Fulist/Filelist tool. It provides an on-screen file list, and a command area, but uses its own command set. Although advertised as friendlier DOS shell for general PC users, most users would likely find it confusing unless they had prior experience with Fulist.


"Hollywood", created by Publishing Solutions Inc and sold by IBM, was a flashy business presentation program for Windows 3.0. It features many easy to create visual effects, vector drawing, data graphing, and an outliner. Even under pre-TrueType Windows 3.0 it supports rescaleable fonts providing sharp large printed text. with the intent to complete a version for OS/2 Presentation Manager. It is unclear if an OS/2 version was ever completed and released. In 1991 IBM dismantled their IBM Desktop Software group, and Claris bought the rights to IBM Hollywood. Harvard Graphics for Windows, and PowerPoint


Part of the IBM Education Series, I Can Be Anything is a program that lets children age eight and older create graphics. The program comes with 250 redesigned shapes grouped by occupation and is useful in stimulating conversation about occupational goals and educational requirements necessary to attain these goals.


The PCJr sampler is a set of tiny applications that, while not really useful, demonstrate the abilities of the PCJr. This software was bundled with the PCjr.


The PCJr sampler is a set of tiny applications that, while not really useful, demonstrate the abilities of the PCJX. This software was bundled with the PCjr.


This is a telecommunications program from IBM that lets an IBM PC emulate an IBM 3101 terminal. This was used with IBM's mainframe/minicomputer products. Product features: Emulation of a 3270-oriented subset of 3101 block mode, Full-screen sessions through PVM or VAMP, Series/1 Yale IUP and 7171 support, limited non-full-screen support for TSO/TCAM, connection to a Series/1 in block mode, Half and Full Duplex Hosts, and connection to other IBM PC's in Character Mode.


IBM 3270 Control Program is the mainframe communication environment used by the IBM 3270 Personal Computer. The IBM 3270 Personal Computer was an IBM PC equipped with special hardware for communicating with IBM mainframes, however this special hardware greatly limited its IBM PC compatibility. The control program supported multiple mainframe sessions and could run an instance of IBM PC-DOS from within the control program. It also provides sessions a limited windowing environment.


The IBM 3270 Personal Computer High Level Language Application Program Interface (abbreviated "HLLAPI") is a software tool which enables users to develop microcomputer applications that transparently establish 3270 emulation sessions when host data is needed.


The IBM 5520/Personal Computer Attachment Program enables you to switch back and forth between your microcomputer and the functions of text and files processing and document distribution. Using this program, you can emulate (imitate the functions of) an IBM 5253 Display Station and use the functions of the IBM 5520 Administrative System. You can also emulate an IBM 3278 Display Station and add, change, copy, or delete data in the data base of an appropriately programmed IBM System 370 attached to an IBM 5520.


IBM AntiVirus is a comprehensive but easy to use virus scanner that supports DOS, OS/2, and Windows. It features the use of "Neural Network" technology, whatever that means, heuristic analysis, change detection, and false alarm elimination. It supports scanning e-mail, attachments, macros, and the ability to run suspicious programs without spreading infections.


IBM APL is a mathematical oriented programming language notable for its use of mathematics symbols not normally found on keyboards or printer/screen text mode character sets.


The IBM Architecture and Engineering Series (AES) is a complete, high end, integrated, 3D drafting and information system. Developed by the firm of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) for IBM, this 3D Computer Aided Design system meets the needs of architects, engineers, and builders.


IBM Assistant Accounting Solutions is a set of accounting related productivity templates for use with IBM Filing Assistant 1.0x.


IBM Assistant Executive Solutions is a set of pre-designed forms and reports sold for use with IBM Filing Assistant. The forms are intended to help professionals organize appointments, personal and business checking accounts, portfolios, and more.


IBM Home Assistant is a bonus product often found with bundles of IBM Filing Assistant and the other IBM Assistant series. This was part of IBM's Assistant office product series for the IBM Personal Computer. This included IBM Writing Assistant, IBM Graphing Assistant, IBM Reporting Assistant, IBM Filing Assistant, IBM Document Retrieval Assistant, IBM Planning Assistant, IBM Assistant Home Solutions, IBM Assistant Accounting Solutions, IBM Assistant Executive Solutions, and later IBM DisplayWrite Assistant.


This is a set of trial applications from the IBM Assistant Series. It includes Writing Assistant, Filing Assistant, Graphing Assistant, and Planning Assistant. They are limited so they can not print or save.


IBM Asynchronous Communications Support contains a rudimentary telecommunications terminal emulation program written in IBM BASIC. It was provided alongside IBM PCs and the IBM asynchronous communications adapter (serial port card).


Business Adviser is a high-end modular accounting and business management program targeted at large businesses. It was written by BPI for IBM, but is not simply a rebranded BPI product. Inventory Control keeps track of inventory in warehouses supporting different costing methods and generates purchase orders and reports.


The IBM Business Management Series (BMS) is an IBM PC based accounting package targeted at small and medium sized businesses. It consists of six modules, or as IBM called them "editions": Inventory Accounting, Order Entry and Invoicing, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger. The system can be used with any single module, or multiple modules can work together. The Business Management Series can interface with the Personal Decision Series. It was criticized as being too costly, bloated, and overly complicated.


This demonstration illustrates how the IBM Business Management Series and Personal Decision Series products handles a company's management needs.