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Citrix Multiuser is a customized version of Microsoft OS/2 1.21 that turns it in to a real multi-user operating system. With Citrix Multiuser, users can connect and simultaneously run character cell based applications from remote serial terminals. To prevent users from interfering with each other, it adds security permissions to devices and files. It can use multi-port serial port boards like the Digiboard, or any serial device that has OS/2 1.21 drivers. based application or DOS executables, and programs can not use graphics modes. It also does not have support for networking. separation, which was an almost instant fatal blow as Citrix was licensing OS/2 code through Microsoft. making MS-DOS multi-user until eventually they released a Windows NT based version.


Multiuser Link is a telecommunications program that Connects a PC running DOS or OS/2 to a Citrix Multiuser system via standard RS-232C serial directly or with a modem.


This is IBM's FORTRAN compiler software for the IBM PC. It was written by Microsoft and is similar to the Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler. up until IBM Fortran/2.


MaynStream is a high-end but minimalistic server backup program that only works with Maynard tape drives. There were versions for OS/2, Netware, Windows, and DOS.


This is Microsoft's implementation of the FORTRAN scientific-oriented high level programming language. It was one of their early core languages developed for the 8-bit computers and later brought to the 8086 and IBM PC. For the IBM OEM version, see the IBM Fortran Compiler. In 1993 Microsoft rebranded the product as Microsoft Fortran Powerstation. (Note: -80 refers to the 8080/Z80 platform, not the language specification version)


Peachtree Mailing List Manager, from Peachtree Software Incorporated, is a mailing list manager included with Peachtree software bundles.


Ultracalc, from Lattice Inc, is an electronic spreadsheet program that was available for CP/M, DOS, and Unix. It includes an algebraic expression analyzer that supports 11 operators and 22 functions. The system employs a menu-driven format and includes an extensive set of prompts, on-line help and error messages. Ultracalc is written in C and was considered highly portable.