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CodeBase, from Sequiter Software Inc., is a fast database engine for C and C++ programmers. CodeBase comes with it's own report engine, which allows distribution, in which the user can create their own reports. CodeBase is portable across all major platforms.


CodeView was a standalone debugger created by David Norris at Microsoft in 1985 as part of its development toolset. It originally shipped with Microsoft C 4.0 and later. It also shipped with Visual Basic for MS-DOS, Microsoft Basic PDS, and a number of other Microsoft language products. It was one of the first debuggers on the MS-DOS platform that was full-screen oriented.


Coherent, from Mark Williams Company, was a compact high speed Unix clone that was ported to a number of architectures including IBM PC.


Colorado Backup is the software provided with HP Colorado tape drives.


ColorRIX is a simple mouse-driven painting program for DOS. It features the ability to easily work with pallets and gradients. It was bundled with some video cards, and supported many custom resolutions. VGA Paint, on standard IBM VGA hardware, supports an undocumented 360x480 256 color mode.


ColorWorks is a powerful, full-featured, photo editing program designed exclusively for OS/2. It is a native 32-bit OS/2 application and makes use of OS/2 multitasking, multithreading, and SMP capabilities. It has many features and tools that make it comparable to most other image editors.


Comic Book Creator is a graphics program that enables the user to quickly create customized comic strips based on a small predefined set of clip art and backgrounds.


COMit is a small, lightweight, and easy to use telecommunications terminal emulator for MS-DOS systems. OEMs commonly bundled it with modem hardware.


Produced by Traveling Software, the authors of LapLink, CommWorks is a suite of communications applications including CommWorks Control Center, TS Fax, TS OnLine, and Laplink.


Company Ladder is a budget oriented tool that specialized in making corporate organizational charts. It could handle large numbers of entries and print high quality graphs.


MATCHMAKER is a floppy disk based customer survey sent to potential Compaq customers. The intent was to collect data about current hardware and software application use for marketing and development purposes. It also provides an interactive overview of then-current Compaq 386 hardware products.


CompuServe Information Manager is the client software used for accessing the CompuServe service.


This is the system/driver software for the Computer Eyes and Computer Eyes Professional video digitizer card.


FastFiler, from Ziff-Davis Publishing Company and Strange Software LTD, is a rudimentary easy to use file manager shell. It was sold alongside Computer Shopper magazines. While it offers a friendlier interface than the DOS command prompt, it has fewer features and abilities than competing file managers.


ComuWorks is an entry-level budget oriented integrated all-in-one office suite for Microsoft Windows 3.1. It includes a word processor, spreadsheet, database, report writer, and charting tools.


Originally an optional module for Concurrent CP/M-86 3.1, this version of Digital Research's CP/M provided basic compatibility with PC-DOS in 1983. Simple DOS applications that did not require hardware access can be ran on this. A stripped down single tasking version was released as DOS Plus and later DR-DOS.


RAM Doubler is a utility for Windows 3.1 that uses advanced resource management and memory compression techniques to allow more applications to run side by side. It was designed to be simple and easy to use compared to some competing programs. It competed against similar tools such as SoftRam, Hurricane, and MagnaRam


Conner Backup Basics is a dumbed down version of Conner Backup Exec that only works with their tape drives. This software will not run at all without the appropriate tape drive attached.


Control Room is an all-in-one resident system information and configuration tool. It includes a number of disk utilities such as undeleting, wiping, and encrypting files. It can scan files and detect unwanted changes. Control Room can change system settings such as keyboard repeat rate and supports creating keyboard macros.


Coping With Job Stress, from Disk-Count Software Inc, is an interactive on-disk lesson about dealing with workplace job stress. It was a cheap educational budget title. The sort of thing that would sell for $6.96 at Wal-Mart. run it at work, and the box doesn't include a 3.5" disk for your new IBM PS/2.


Central Point Copy II PC is a disk duplication program that can successfully copy many copy protected disks using only standard IBM PC hardware. It is generally considered the best software-only solution for duplicating such disks. "snatchit".


This is the Transcopy utility software for use with the Copy II PC Option Board. The Copy II PC Option/Deluxe Option Board/"Transcopy" card is an ISA expansion card created and sold by Central Point Software that enables an IBM PC or compatible to duplicate most floppy disk copy protection methods.


CopyWrite is a disk duplicator that can duplicate disks with many advanced copy protection schemes using a standard IBM PC floppy drive and controller.


Corel Linux was a short-lived commercial Linux distribution that attempted to compete directly against Microsoft Windows 98/2000.


Corel Office is a software bundle that includes WordPerfect and a number of other office applications. It competed unsuccessfully against Microsoft Office. This bundle started out as "Borland Office", was briefly known as "Novell PerfectOffice", then "Corel Office", and under Corel it later became "WordPerfect Office". (Not to be confused with the unrelated ~1990 groupware program, also called "WordPerfect Office")