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Headroom is a memory manager, TSR manager, and application switcher for DOS. It enables you to load many TSR programs at once without using extra base memory. It can load unload TSRs at any time in any order, and even improves compatibility with older TSRs.


Helix Netroom is a memory manager, similar to their Helix Headroom product, but specifically targeted at machines running DOS networking software. Unlike other 386 memory managers that simply page in extra high/UMB RAM, Netroom moves specifically supported TSRs in to an invisible background virtual machine. As a result, large DOS network stacks may be loaded yet not take up any conventional memory needed to run DOS applications. Netroom supported Novell NetWare, Banyan VINES, and LAN Manager networks.


Home Accountant Plus is personal checkbook program bundled with early PC clones.


Home Finance System is a financial record keeper targeted at home and small business users. It features easy access to multiple accounts, and keeps track of checking, asset, and credit accounts. It started out around 1983 as a program for Heath/Zenith CP/M systems. Interestingly, Home Finance System III includes executables for both IBM PC and Zenith Z-100 Series computers.


hTest-hFormat is a set of disk tools for low level formatting, and testing hard disk drives. Include a performance analyzer, interleave optimizer, partition tool, and tools for reading and writing individual sectors.


Hurricane is a utility that speeds up Windows 3.1 and 95 on hardware of the time. It enhances memory management, expands the GDI heaps, improves disk caching, manages the lower 1MB memory, and accelerates XMS access. Depending on the system, programs can launch faster and more programs may run at the same time. competed against similar tools such as Connectix RAM Doubler, SoftRam, and MagnaRam. Some of these products produced little or even no benefit. However, by most accounts, Hurricane 98 was one of the few that delivered on its promises.


HyperDOS is a simplistic menu shell bundled with Leading Technology PCs and offered as a standalone commercial product. It includes a file manager, built in help, and a number of accessories. It tries to clone the general appearance of the IBM PS/1 shell. Oddly, it starts off in a GUI mode, but all of the tools are text mode programs. Version 2.0 includes the ability to use sound cards.


The IBM Accounting Assistant Series is a set of accounting and management tools. The series is made up of different modules or "editions". The Accounting Assistant Series targeted small to medium sized businesses, while IBM's "Business Adviser" series targeted large businesses. entries, generating invoices and purchase orders, and producing special reports. Information can be shared with General Accounting, Accounts Receivable & Billing, and Accounts Payable Editions.


IBM AntiVirus is a comprehensive but easy to use virus scanner that supports DOS, OS/2, and Windows. It features the use of "Neural Network" technology, whatever that means, heuristic analysis, change detection, and false alarm elimination. It supports scanning e-mail, attachments, macros, and the ability to run suspicious programs without spreading infections.


IBM Assistant Accounting Solutions is a set of accounting related productivity templates for use with IBM Filing Assistant 1.0x.


Business Adviser is a high-end modular accounting and business management program targeted at large businesses. It was written by BPI for IBM, but is not simply a rebranded BPI product. Inventory Control keeps track of inventory in warehouses supporting different costing methods and generates purchase orders and reports.


The IBM Business Management Series (BMS) is an IBM PC based accounting package targeted at small and medium sized businesses. It consists of six modules, or as IBM called them "editions": Inventory Accounting, Order Entry and Invoicing, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger. The system can be used with any single module, or multiple modules can work together. The Business Management Series can interface with the Personal Decision Series. It was criticized as being too costly, bloated, and overly complicated.


IBM Classroom LAN Administration System is a set of education oriented network administration utilities. courseware and 400 office utilities. This version requires Novell NetWare 3.12 server.


IBM Diskette Librarian is a small database that keeps track of your files across multiple floppy disks.


IBM Document Retrieval Assistant is a tool that enables you to easily search through a large number of documents for specified keywords. It is designed to work with documents produced with any of the IBM Assistant Series applications.


IBM Fixed Disk Organizer is a simple menu program for DOS. It was marketed by IBM for use on their IBM XT. Using this shell, you will no longer have to repeatedly muddle through DOS commands to get to your commonly accessed applications. You can customize your menu items, and organize them in customizable categories. It also lets you set a password for menu items, and you may customize the screen colors. While there were many, many better menuing programs produced for DOS, Fixed Disk Organizer was a standard IBM offering.


This is a small easy to use home budgeting program optimized for the 128k IBM PCjr. It also supports the IBM PC and XT. Part of the IBM Personal/Home Series.


PC Print, written by Gary Dix of IBM and part of IBM's Personal Productivity Series, is a print formatting tool for printing text files. It adds the ability to print sideways, use custom fonts, print with bold/doublestrike, split continuous text in to individual pages, and print every other page for double sided printing.


Personal Computer Organizer is a complete menu-driven system designed to help install, organize, and integrate a wide variety of applications on the IBM PC. This product appears to have been targeted mainly at IBM business customers that use IBM's high-end PC software.


IBM Network+ Edition is an add on that enables network resource and data sharing between Personal Decision Series users on a local area network.


Personal Financial Planning is a tool provided by IBM to IBM employees for calculating IBM-provided saving plan investments.


Personal Print Control consists of a DOS based print spooler that runs in the background while you run other applications, and a controller TSR that you can bring up from within other programs to manage the spooler. It features the ability to print multiple copies directly from the spooler, recovery from printer errors, and printer formatting control code management.


The IBM Personal System/2 Software Sampler is a set of tiny and fairly useless sample applications bundled with some IBM PS/2 computers. It includes three disks, Education, Entertainment, and Personal Productivity.


IBM Project Assistant is one of a number of office applications sold by IBM alongside their IBM Personal Computers. Project Assistant is a project management program used to create and track project schedules, costs, and resources. It supports organizing projects using a horizontal bar (Gantt) chart and maintaining files of calendars, costs, resources, and project relationships. Project Assistant also provides the tools to predict the outcome of a project when you ask "What if?" questions. It also features customizable project reports.


The IBM PS2 Collegiate Kit is a set of floppy disks that contain a system tutorial and a runtime of Windows 1.04 with a PS/2 mouse driver. It was included with some PS/2 machines as an educational promotional deal.