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These are the drivers used with the Tall Tree Systems JRAM series Multi-I/O RAM expansion card. Includes diagnostics, ramdisk, spooler, and clock support files.


This is the driver disk for the Tall Tree Systems JDiskette floppy drive controller board. density 720k 5.25" floppy drives in an IBM PC or PC/XT, and supports up to four internal floppy drives. The included driver enables PC-DOS 2.x to make use of these larger capacity drivers.


Microsoft Chart is a presentation graphics tool. You can use it to create line, bar, pie charts and more. It competed against titles such as PFS Graph, Chart Master, DR Graph, Harvard Presentation Graphics, and BPS Business Graphics. It was sometimes sold as a companion product to Multiplan. Microsoft later included charting functionality in Excel and PowerPoint.


Exploring the IBM PC Network is an animated guide that demonstrates the general use of IBM's PC Network software.


FileCommand is an alternate DOS shell from IBM. The user interface is based on the IBM 3081/3084 mainframe VM/CMS Fulist/Filelist tool. It provides an on-screen file list, and a command area, but uses its own command set. Although advertised as friendlier DOS shell for general PC users, most users would likely find it confusing unless they had prior experience with Fulist.


Norton Backup, from Symantec, is a fast and easy to use backup tool for MS-DOS. The original 1.0 suffered from reliability problems, but these were fixed in 1.1. It does not include a backup scheduler. It competed against backup utilities such as PC Tools Deluxe PC Backup, Taketwo Manager, Gazelle Systems Back-It, Backup Pro, FastBack Plus, and Keep Track Plus.


Microsoft Spell is a spell checking application intended for use with Microsoft Word 1.x for DOS. You can also use it as a standalone program. Microsoft Spell 1.0 was available for purchase by itself, but later versions were bundled with Microsoft Word for DOS.


Logetech's PaintShow Plus is a DOS based bit-mapped drawing program bundled with Logitech mice. Like ZSoft PC Paintbrush, Microsoft PC Paintbrush, and Mouse Systems PC Paint, PaintShow Plus clones the MacPaint user interface.


"The Twin", from Mosaic Software, is a spreadsheet that touts compatibility and visual similarity with Lotus 1-2-3. better graphics, a much lower price, and was not copy protected. It was a little slower than Lotus 1-2-3, but this was less of an issue for budget users. The Twin, along with Paperback VP-Planner and Borland Quattro Pro were the subject of a lawsuit claiming that duplicating the "look and feel" violated Lotus's copyrights.


Drivers for the Orion branded Hardcard 20 & 40 products. These were 20MB and 40MB hard disk drives fitted onto an ISA card, instead of using a drive bay. 4.x onto the Hardcard.


Omnis, from the European based Blyth Software, is an easy to use multiuser relational database for Windows, MacOS, and OS/2. It was the first database ported to Microsoft Windows, which ran on Windows 1.0x.


DB Master is a powerful and flexible database for early personal computers. It was produced by Stoneware Inc., and in 1986 it switched ownership to Macon Software Inc.


IBM Word Proof is a stand-alone spell checker for the IBM PC with a list of over 125,000 standard English words. It can also find synonyms and anagrams, and features a built-in full screen editor. You may add your own specialized words to its list.


DS Recover, from Design Software, is a set of file utilities for DOS that lets you unerase files and directories, and unformat disks. It competed against the Norton Utilities, PC Tools, and Mace Utilities.


PFS:Graph, from Software Publishing Corporation, is an easy to use graphing application for early IBM PC compatibles, Apple IIs, Apple IIIs, and Macintosh. Later it evolved in to PFS:First Graphics, and IBM rebranded a version as IBM Graphing Assistant.


PFS:Plan. from Software Publishing Corp, is a spreadsheet that you can use for all types of numerical planning, tracking, analyzing, and reporting . Later it evolved in to PFS:Professional Plan, and IBM rebranded a version as IBM Planning Assistant.


PFS:Report is a companion product to PFS:File. It prepares and prints tabular reports, according to your specifications, from the information stored in a PFS file. IBM rebranded a version as IBM Reporting Assistant. The functionality of this product was later integrated in to PFS:Professional File


TVC, from Software Masters Inc., is an educational tool for teaching assembly language.


DS OPTIMIZE is a disk defragmenter tool. It has a few more options than its competitors, and has a "fast" mode that does not protect against interruptions. This tool competed against Mace Utilities, The Norton Utilities, PC Tools, and many smaller defragmenter tools.


Key Publisher is a GEM based desktop publishing tool. This is a rebranded version of GST Software's Publish-It.


PFS:Write, originally from Software Publishing Corporation and later sold to Spinnaker Software, was an early and easy to use word processor for the IBM PC and Apple II. It was also licensed by IBM as IBM Writing Assistant. It can exchange data between PFS:Graph, PFS:File, and PFS:Report. SPC later replaced PFS:Write with Professional Write. Early versions had no built in spell checker, and were instead used with PFS:Proof.


The Benchmark was an early, and somewhat short lived, word processor. This version is for the NEC APC running CP/M-86.


V-Print, from CompuView, is a printing product designed to accompany VEDIT.


V-Spell, from CompuView, is a spell checking product designed to accompany VEDIT. VEDIT was a powerful, customizable, and portable editor designed for programmers and power users.


AwardMaker, from Baudville, Inc., is a tool for printing nice looking awards and certificates on a dot-matrix printer from a set of about 200 templates. It lacks any print preview, so you must have the manual to know what the templates look like. This is almost identical to Springboard Certificate Maker, however it contains a different set of templates and graphics.