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Power C, from Mix Software, was a low cost DOS-based C compiler targeted at the educational market. Earlier versions were known as Mix C


QNX is a compact Unix-like real-time operating system that was originally designed for the IBM PC and later used in embedded devices. The versions here are for IBM PC compatibles.


QuadMaster is a set of utilities for use with Quadram memory expansion cards. MasterCache, MasterSpool, and QuadRAM Drive. And QuadMaster II is menu-oriented, making it easy to use.


RM/Cobol, from Ryan-McFarland Corp, is a powerful cross platform Cobol compiler that creates fast and efficient compiled code.


The Select Word Processor, from SELECT Information Systems, Inc., is a word processor for generic CP/M-80 based systems. There were also versions for MS-DOS and CP/M-86.


Spellbinder, from Lexisoft and later Ltec Inc, is a word processing program originally created for CP/M and OASIS operating systems and eventually competed with WordStar. It was designed as a work-alike of the NBI Word Processing system and featured spell checking, grammar checking, footnotes, two-column print, proportional printing, and macro programming language. It was bundled with machines from Eagle Computers, Hewlett-Packard, and Xerox.


StarBurst is an office workflow process automation tool that integrates with other MicroPro products. StarBurst features a programming language and screen builder that can collect data from users, manipulate files, and control MicroPro programs such as WordStar.


Statpro is a comprehensive statistics system for Apple II, and later IBM PC, computers. It is written using the UCSD P-System.


StretchCalc is a software package from MultiSoft that enhances the functionality of VisiCalc. It adds integrated graphing, sorting, column rearranging, and key macros.


Success With Math was a popular series of educational programs designed to drill and practice math problems. There were versions for the Apple II, C64, and Atari.


SuperCalc was a spreadsheet application published by Sorcim in 1980, and originally bundled (along with WordStar) as part of the CP/M software package included with the Osborne 1 portable computer. It quickly became the de facto standard spreadsheet for CP/M and was ported to MS-DOS in 1982. It competed against spreadsheets such as VisiCalc, Multiplan. and Lotus 1-2-3.


Micropro SuperSort is a generalized and flexible sort and merge utility designed to operate at high speed on huge volumes of text-file based data. It can also be used for manipulating individual data files, doing things like reorganizing fields or changing field lengths.


SynFile, from Synaps Software, is a database program for the Atari 400/800 computer.


In 1984 Apple Computer unveiled their Macintosh. It included a new user interface that revolutionized the way people though about computer interaction. Originally referred to as simply "Macintosh System", the underlying OS was a single-tasking disk system for the Motorola 68K CPU. Significant changes were made in MacOS 7.x. | 1.x-6.x | 7.x | 8.x | 9.x | MacOS X | All |


TI-Logo is an implementation of the Logo educational programming language that makes extensive use of graphics manipulation.


TI-Writer was the standard word processor for the TI-99/4A. To use TI-Writer, you must have the TI-Writer cartridge (needed to load the disk software) and a TI-99/4A with the 32k RAM and disk expansion options.


Touch Typist, from Newline software, is a small typing training program that is specific to Zenith-Z100 computers.


Various drivers for trackball-based input devices.


Trumpet WINSOCK, from Peter Tattam of Trumpet Software, was a shareware package that added dial-up TCP/IP connectivity with a Windows Sockets (Winsock 1.1) layer to Microsoft Windows 3.x. Earlier versions worked under Windows 3.0. This software was extremely popular on Windows 3.1. Microsoft eventually released their own TCP/IP dial-up software bundled with Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1, and with Windows 95. Windows for Workgroups 3.11 supported TCP/IP and Winsock, but only over a LAN.


TTY Communications is a rudimentary dial up/terminal emulation telecommunications package sold with the Texas Instruments Personal Computer.


Type Faces is a program that can print word processing documents using a number of fancy fonts. The fonts are rendered graphically so you are not dependent on the fonts included with your printer. At the smaller sizes, the fonts are letter quality. Type Faces supports formatting codes that you can insert in to your documents, such as right justify, centering, and underline.


Ultracalc, from Lattice Inc, is an electronic spreadsheet program that was available for CP/M, DOS, and Unix. It includes an algebraic expression analyzer that supports 11 operators and 22 functions. The system employs a menu-driven format and includes an extensive set of prompts, on-line help and error messages. Ultracalc is written in C and was considered highly portable.


VEDIT, from CompuView, is an extremely powerful, flexible, and customizable editor designed for power users and programmers. It can handle extremely huge files. It has a programmable command mode that can be used to automatically perform complex operations on files. It features a completely customizable keyboard layout and special features for editing programming language source files. supported a large number of terminal types.


A Powerful and sophisticated communications package that lest you communicate with any computer information service, such as CompuServe and Dow Jones News/Retrieval. There's even an option that lets you use the auto-dial feature found on many telephone modems! Videotex Plus includes on-screen editing for tailoring of the auto-logon on sequence to your particular needs.


Visi On was the first GUI for the IBM PC. It was released December 1983, just prior to the Apple Macintosh, and pre-dated Microsoft Windows by several years.